Whaaa... missionary work?

Ok folks this week was pretty entertaining and enjoyable at times but it also had its ROUGH patches.

So it started with a discrict P-Day with legit the funnest missionaries ever!! We played some volleyball πŸ again and then did our classic covid friendly parking lot lunch at Little Cesar's hahaha Hermana Petersen is a skater which is super sick and naturally after hearing that i had to show everyone my well practiced Tek DeckπŸ›Ήtricks hahaha

We served as much as we could at Restore(basically DI) because we get to get OUT of the apartment!!! Its so nice and we getta serve with other missionaries so its a win win YAY!! πŸ™Œ 

We had in person interviews but because there's 250ish missionaries we did them as a companionship and let me tell ya folks for the first time I can remember in over 6+ months I was STRESSED. That sounds really bad lol but I don't have anything to hide its the fact the Elder Maynes. 

Bless his soul. Is one of those people that doesn't have a filter so you don't know WHATS coming next out of his mouth. I honestly thought he was gonna through me under the bus for something rando and then have me get rebukes by President hahaha luckily non of that happened πŸ˜… πŸ˜ͺ

So for those questioning if we get any work done... that's a valid question... just kidding BUT the Troy O'Conner(less active) is baptizing his wife Katherine and 3 kids!!!! 

Friday at 7pm folks mark the date!!! Heres the zoom link! Feel free to watch i would love the support πŸ˜

included in email -

Other than that there's not much to report. I had a rough couple days but a little Tiger Woods and chipping in the house boasted the moral hahaha 

Pres told us that someone's going this transfer so I'm excited for the next transfer. 
That sounds really dramatic reading that but it was just a no bueno couple days thats it... i hope hahaha

Have a miracle filled week and please watch the baptism!!! πŸ˜πŸ˜