Member Referrals
This week was definitely one to remember!!!
We have been cranking member work and its paying off big time. Brother Anderson referred his roommate Brian! We had a really good lesson. We invited him to church but he works every Sunday for the next little while SOOooo naturally my next invitation was to play golf woth us on Monday ![😂](
His Golden Bear polo gave him away. His pretty in to golf so we are playing today!!! Yay!
We got another member referral from Corey! He referred his girlfriend Madison! They met at work and she found out that he was a member and started asking a bunch of questions. He wasn't really enjoying hahahaha soooo he asked us to come teach her!! They are in thsre 20's so they came to the YSA Ward and listened to me speak! And they stayed for Sunday school! We are all combined in the chapel so there was a decent amount of people but that didn’t stop her from making a
We also had our home boy Charles at church. We had our usual lesson after church but before the lesson we ran into the Spanish Elders and Charles starts to get to know them and the topic of baptism comes up because they were filling up the font. The Elders mentioned giving the person they are teaching a date for baptism and charles says "When am I getting a date?" We all look at each other like we just struck gold
literally the lesson before I asked Charles what was keeping him from baptism because he was on date in the past and he said his parents weren't supportive at all and he wanted to really believe in God and that Joseph Smith was a prophet.
We studied the book of Mormon with him and then had him watch the videos but this week he told us he will read it on his own and then we can discuss. So thats what he did leading up to accepting his baptismal date of May 17th!! The Book of Mormon works miracles!!
One last highlight of the week is that I got to make a video for our mission Facebook page! It was a blast and we got some cool members to be in it and Charles!