
 So there's been some good stuff happening here in Tidewater ysa. 

So we're at church and out of the blue Callum shows up and says he wants to check our church out! The following week Curtis shows up at church, he was told from someone while he was working at Chick-fil-A that he should check out this youth group and so he did! It gets even better! We get a referral from Sisters in Rhode Island and they tell us he is golden. We join the pass off lesson and put him on date for baptism! 

But wait there's more! We get a random call from Bobby. He told us that he used to call this # a year and a half ago for the missionaries. We talked with him and then met up the next day. He is awesome and has read the entire Book of Mormon so yeah he's golden too.

Also the last 30min of knocking on Sunday we chose one last door to knock and Zach answered! He let us pray with him and share a scripture and while we were talking his video game in the background was going and its a game you can't pause and so he ended up dieing. We felt bad but it was cool because he's already making sacrifices for the gospel hahahaha

Here's what you're waiting for :)