Ayyyoo! 👋
The last 6ish weeks have been really good!! Me and my comp Elder Henderson got to be the content specialists for the zone! It was a blast running content Council and getting everybody involved in Facebook work!
We share our ward with the moving Elders so we play pickleball together, every Sunday they drive us to church, we play basketball, we teach some people together, we knock doors together. It is the greatest thing since sliced bread!
Having good friends around you makes all the difference.
Our ward mission leader Brother Gary Smith is a BEAST! His wife Deanna isn't baptized so the five of us are trying to change that but her and their daughter Layla are so much fun! We all eat breakfast together Sunday mornings
Brother Smith bought 200 copies of the Book of Mormon as well as bookmarks with the 17 points of the true church on it and a print out of the ward mission plan.
The five of us gave talks this last Sunday. I went first and introduced everything and then it went one after another talking about love then share and then invite with Brother Smith giving the final thoughts. It was his first ever talk but he killed it! As he was speaking he called us over to stand with him as he showed the ward our little book of Mormon bundle that we made for EVERY single person in the ward! It was so cool!
We had our friend Alex on date for baptism but he got a little caught up in the ways of the world so unfortunately it fell through but we aren't giving up!
For my bday we had our district pday at a bowling alley! Me and the moving Elders rigged it so another district would show up at the same alley on the same day at the same time hahaha it was a blast!
I'll be here in Chester VA for at least another 6 weeks!
See ya later!
Elder Jorgensen