Charles is a Member!!!
The last couple weeks have been amazing! They flew by. We get to do a lot of service at Habitat for Humanity and we started asking all the members if we could help them with yard work.
Our homeboy Korey took us up on that and we've been helping build a so called chicken coop his famous words during the whole thing is "if its good enough for a chicken its good enough for me" hahaha We also helped him plant some apple trees!
Madison, Korey's girlfriend, isn't doing too hot and so Korey suggested a blessing so we came over and Elder Hoopes gave a really good blessing. The spirit was so strong!
This week was miracle filled. Latoya(a lady in our areabook we've never met) had a bad number that didn't work. She did have an email tho. So we email her and she responded! We had a call and she was so happy to hear from us and said that because we found her and was able to contact her, that that was a sign that God knows her and loves her!!
Another miracle was that Charles got baptized!!! He is an amazing person and has the courage to act on his faith. As always the Baptism was crazy to set up and get everything in order BUT it couldn't have gone better!! The YSA members came and there were also a lot of people that watched over zoom! I was lucky enough to confirm him which meant I had to say a little Chinese π¬π his legal name is Linxuan Zhou but you don't say it anything like you'd think and then you have to get the tone right... i didnt do to shabby tho ππ
My favorite part about his baptism was his testimony. It reminded me of the scriptural accounts of people being baptized and then talking with a new tongue and Spirit of God. You'd think becuase I'm a missionary I should have a reference but I looked for 2 seconds and couldn't find one so you'll just have to believe me π He was emotional the whole time and his MOM was able to be there and see how baptism changed him. One thing he said that I like is that he sees God in bodybuilding. He LOVES bodybuilding. When he gets stronger he knows that God is helping him. Another thing he said was "if you can't prove something doesn't exist, there's a good chance that it does" he is very smart and logical so that is one thing that helped build his faith.
Rando thought: When you go to church talk to someone you haven't before. Everyone needs a friend at church and needs to know that they are noticed and appreciated!