Short member miracle!!

 This week we continued to hammer member lessons and it payed off yet again!! 

In personal study I was inspired by Nephi teaching his Brothers and exhorting them with all the energies of his soul to keep the commandments. Anndd the fact that it actually worked(for a timeπŸ˜‚) and we know how stubborn they are. So we read with Brother Rife out of 1 Nephi 15 and 16. It was EXACTLY what he needed he said!! He was SPEECHLESS and meanwhile I'm boggled becuase I relive I might actually be able to teach with the spirit!! I question that sometimes ngl πŸ˜‚ He was so blown away he was telling other members about it that night. It was just crazy! Definitely a testimony builder. 

I'm keeping this one short but hopefully the pics make up for it a little πŸ˜

That's my drawing for Pres Droubay's bday!

I made light boxes πŸ˜

Hermana Anderson thinking she's Duke of Gloucester πŸ™„πŸ˜‚