Wednesday Walkers!!
It feels like I was writing my weekly email literally like yesterday. Time flies in the south I guess haha.
Sometimes it's easy to forget that there's people going through tough times. And I don't mean like the internet is slow for a day or realizing you're out of milk after you've poured your cereal(This is what I considered hard times back home hahaha).
We have been teaching Sylvia every sunday since we've been here. She's an older lady struggling to get by with the essentials in life. She's homeless without family or friends to help support her. She's been taking lessons from missionaries for years now and basically teaches us. She has such a strong testimony and wants to be baptized but she can't until her situation is a little more stable.
There's good people doing their best everywhere that we go that have real struggles. Sometimes you don't even know it. It's a good reminder for me to do my best to help others and share a smile because you never know what someones going through. Travis Nokes shared an awesome little message with me. "There's nothing more important than making people feel loved and special.
That's what Christ does for us." Remember that this week and do something nice for someone to make them feel loved and special.
I was doing some Facebook tracting and came across a post by a lady named Gigi. She was wondering if anyone would be interested in doing a little walking group on wednesdays SOooo.... naturally I responded "ME!!!!!". Me and Elder Lindsey got all dressed up like we do everyday in our sunday best(everyone informed us we didn't have to get all dressed up LOL) and went on a walk with our new friends.
There were probably 8 or 9 of us taking up the entire road but in T-town it doesn't really matter because It's not like anybody is driving on em hahaha. Gigi reminded me of my aunt Lean so that was kinda funny. Reminded me of all our fun family trips.
We made even more brownies! Somehow every time we make em we end up with like 1 each so we have to just keep makin em haha. We dropped em off to Tekisha for her Bday and I think she enjoyed that.
Thanks for tuning in folks! I love you all and am grateful for the support.
Love Elder Jorgensen
here are some rando pics :) Oh and I thought i would add a pic of our areabook schedule for an average day of being a missionary.